Dreamer, dream

You may say I’m a Dreamer!

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” ―Harriet Tubman

I have always been a dreamer, and when I say always, it counts every day of my 26 years of existence. With my head on my pillow, I would go to my wonderland and knit my dreams. Obviously, not all dreams got fulfilled, but most of them did and some are work in progress. But, keeping aside everything I never stopped dreaming.

I would be lying if I would say I have always been strong-headed, and I knew what’s meant for me will always find its way. I had my low days, and have cried my eyes out but, I couldn’t stop being a dreamer. It’s my superpower. If one dream ended I would knit another one, because the more the merrier.

Dreams are special, they are yours, your vision, your feelings, and that what makes them unique. So when someone tries to sabotage my dreams, I get really furious. And wouldn’t this be your reaction if someone tries to steal your belongings?

“I don’t believe in this anymore, because it didn’t work out for me last time” is the dream breaking statement. Is this an excuse? Did it actually didn’t work out? Did someone else say that you?
As far as I remember, we all believed in that guy who took pigeon out of the hat, and all the fake news which spread like wildfire. So if you can believe in something which is not even true, why can’t you believe in your dreams which have the potential of becoming TRUTH of your life.

Somebody said, “dreams do come true” but he forgot to mention “Only if you continue dreaming..”

Dream, dream a lot and work hard to fulfil those dreams, but don’t be upset if some of these dreams don’t get fulfilled. For example, being size zero means giving up on KFC popcorns, which are 375 cal. approximately. Which is an unrealistic dream because KFC popcorns are soulmates!
So, who decides if that dream of yours is realistic or unrealistic? It’s YOU!! Because the day you give someone else the power to decide it for you, your dreams are not yours anymore!!

Don’t doubt your dreams. Doubt is a thief which steals your vision and makes you fear failure. You will have doubts, you will be scared, have sleepless nights, stressful mornings at times, but the bumpy ride will lead you to a beautiful horizon.

“All successful people, men and women, are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision. ” ―Brian Tracy

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