Crossword, life, motivation, challenges

Crossword- The Way of Life!! Not a Time-Killer!

It’s almost time for my “Saturday Sanity” post to go live and I haven’t written a single word!

The confusion and the fact that I’m not able to think of something out of the box today is making me frustrated.

How can I call myself creative, when I’m stuck and can’t think of a single topic which would match my vibe?

I move, left and right, up and down, just like we do in a crossword.

And Bingo!!! CROSSWORD!! There it is!!!

Our life is like a crossword!!!

Recently, I came across the quote “Good crosswords connect to everything in life.” 

And it got me thinking, about the common facts between life and crosswords.

  • Problem-solving requires patience

More than half of the people avoid crossword is because more than it requires brain work it requires patience, which is not our strongest pursuit. We don’t pursue our dreams because it requires patience, consistency and sometimes failure.

While solving 2 across we end up solving 9 down and sometimes we end up solving the entire crossword. Sometimes you just need to take the first step, rest everything falls in place.

  • It’s okay to ask for help

Not all crosswords are simple. Sometimes you need help of other people to get you out of the fix. Similarly, in life, no person on this earth knows everything unless you are Google, so it’s “OKAY” to ask for help.

  •  Some days are more challenging

 Not all crosswords are same, some are more challenging than the rest. Similarly, not all days are like bed of roses, somedays roses are accompanied with thorns. The days are more challenging and need to be handled with more motivation.

To conclude, life is all about perception and the fact that how you want to live the life you are gifted.

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