Anger, Buddha, learning’s, lifestyle, blogs, blogpost

Undirected Anger

Humans have the habit of trying to “fix” everything, irrespective of their capabilities. This undirected persuasion of things adds to the pile of mistakes rather than to the pile of experiences. Which makes one vulnerable and generates (undirected) anger.

Your friends and family members are the ones who face the wrath of your undirected anger. But what good does it do? NOTHING! 

The truth about anger is that nobody can escape from it. You can’t anticipate when you will be angry, but you can control it! 

Anger blinds you from seeing the truth, and in some cases, you use your anger as a protective gear.  

The destructive feature of yours not only messes with your inner peace but also messes up your relations. 

Buddha, anger, anger management,silence, person, kind, life, learning’s, learning, kindness

Logic or no logic, no one cares what you are saying when they see you frowning. Forced smiles and swollen pride can do wonders at times. 

No two people are going to a have the same opinion, no two people are going to react to the crisis in the same way.

So, why not understand that every person you meet might sound irrational, illogical, and stupid at one point of time and you would want to punch them in their face, but that won’t change the reality that we all are meant to stick together and work together like eyes, ears, and nose.

“I am angry” is fine, it’s an emotion.

“I am angry, and this is my constant mood” is a welcome note to self-destruction.

The men in uniform are angry about the happenings at the borders, need be, there might be a war, but, even with that anger, they tend to stay focused. They know that undirected anger will lead to mass destruction. 

There are thousands of articles and courses on how to manage anger. But would that help?

My mom for years asked me to exercise for my good. Her advice was a waste for a million years until I gave myself a reality check. 

Similarly, till the time you don’t give yourself a reality check, no book, no guide, no one can help you to get over your anger. 

Kabir Singh with all that anger issues and psychopath energy and six-pack abs might look fancy on the big screen, but, in reality, no one has the energy and patience to handle a person like that. 

Will you like it if you are victim of someone’s undirected anger?

Mahabharata is an epic example of how anger and ego can ruin oneself and the ones close to us. 

History is proof of the fact that no good has ever been done in anger. It makes you a person with only one quality – someone who can take risky and superficial decisions. 

To conclude, anybody can be angry, but to let go of the anger at the right place, at right time in the right manner is the power you need!

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