Boss, leader, leadership, work, relationship

My Boss Took a Leap of Faith!!

boss, teacher, learning, jobs, career, growth, success, motivation, inspiration

My boss took a leap of faith!!

I said, “All I have is passion to learn and create good content” and I was hired!

Every time I was stuck, rather than spoon-feeding me, she let me wander to build a habit to dig deeper and find solutions to my problems.

All this while, I have made mistakes, but I have learnt more!! 

I believe, in one’s initial years, more than the job itself, what matters is the kind of boss one has.

Your boss is like your primary school teacher who teaches you ABCD of the corporate world.  

A right boss is not like your regular boss. He is a LEADER!

  • He/she will trust you, and provide you with opportunities that will not only help you achieve company goals but also the goals that you have set for yourself. 
  • They try to help you overcome your weakness and will help you explore your potential
  • Right boss appreciates you for your good work
  • They protect you in public and advice you in private

A leader acts as an inspiration to you and doesn’t make your work go monotonous. They will keep adding spices of the corporate world to keep you updated, competitive and make you thick-skinned for the worse to come. A leader will make you realise the importance of value-based work over volume based work.

There will be real-life stories in the name of experiences. The learnings are informal and organic! They are people builder and a true asset to the organization! They provide job satisfaction and have a positive impact on your productivity and help you flourish in the workplace.

To conclude in Jack MA words – “ A good boss is better than a good company. A good boss would discipline you, train you, develop you.”

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