heart, letter, care, love

From my heart to yours!!

Dear, every so-called adult, this one is from my heart to yours!!

As I turn 26 in a couple of days, I reflect and ponder, and it’s surprising to see how time flies!

When I look back, I realise that there were moments in my life, which took place because of my mindless choices, or because I had low self-esteem.

Today, as I start the countdown to turn “26 and Fabulous” (because smartness cannot be defined with age), I share 6 lessons my younger self has taught me.

  • You need to work on yourself – every single day

Dreaming big is not enough, you need to put your plan in action. Success, won’t happen overnight, it happens when you stick those tiny efforts together. To build a mansion, you need a strong base. Walt Disney said, “All our dreams come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”

goals, belief, care, decision, courage, pursue, dreams, motivation
  • Don’t take it personally

Out of 100 friends you had years ago maybe you will end up with 10 friends, or less. Your childhood best friend may not stay your BFF for life. Sometimes, people, you feel you are closest to may make you think if they even know you. But don’t take this personally, because people grow and people change, that doesn’t mean that something is wrong with you.

  • It’s okay to be just good enough sometimes

Sometimes in the fight to hit the nail on the top, we lose ourselves. Sometimes, being good is enough, because you are not born to be perfect, you are born to be good, that is,  a good human, a good son/daughter, a good friend and a good professional. In the process of becoming perfect don’t lose yourself, your motive, and your goals.

  • Wander – A lot

Read, write, sing, dance, travel, because experiences don’t come with age, experiences come when you wander. And when you wander, you find your passion, you find yourself and you find that one thing that you will be doing for the rest of your life, which will help you to lead a happy and content life.

Wander, dreamers, paths, finders, achievers, passion, motivated
  • There are no regrets in life, just lessons

We are humans, we are built to make mistakes, not one, not two, but hundreds and thousands of them, so when you make a mistake, it’s okay!! Face it, accept it, learn from it, and grow with its help!!

  • Relationships demand efforts and space

Every relationship, even the one you have with your best friend, demands efforts and space. In case of a plant, you trim it, water it for it to bloom later. Similarly, in a relationship, you need to give space, time and attention to let that relationship grow and flourish.

To conclude, don’t waste too much of your energy thinking about things which are yet to happen. Wait for life to unveil the gift it has for you. Till then, do things that make you happy (including a 9 to 5), believe in yourself, make mistakes, be kind and give the world the best version of you!!

Yours Truly,

The girl who made mindless choices, took a leap, believed in herself, wandered, and started enjoying her life!

One comment on “From my heart to yours!!

  • Gopal Das , Direct link to comment

    Well written, Dreaming big is not enough without action plan. Human being is bound to commit mistakes and one must learn from every mistake. The whole article is very interesting and every sentence of it is worth reading. All the best 👍👍.

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