kind, caring, kindness, love, affection, gratitude

Dil Bechara Created History!

“Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones because regret is stronger than gratitude.”

In less than 24 hours, Dil Bechara created history!
31,284 IMDb users have given a weighted average vote of 9.8/10 and Dil Bechara created history!!  What clicked with the audience? Was it the storyline? The chances are 50-50 considering it is the adaption of the famous movie “Fault in our Stars.”

So, what clicked? One last chance to see their beloved Sushant Singh Rajput create magic on the big screen. The anger, the eagerness and the love combined made a mark in the legacy of Sushant Singh Rajput a.k.a Manny, a.k.a Immanuel Rajkumar Junior.

When I was watching the movie last night, I felt it was exactly how things happened in real life with him.

People cried and laughed while watching him in his Rajni Style. Every dialogue of his gave a sense of liveliness and pureness, quite similar to what he was in the real life.

Social Anagram presents the best of Dil Bichara, things that will stay with us forever!!  

1.3 billion people said “If you are feeling sad, I’m here to listen to you”, I wish even half of them actually meant it!!

Humanity is rare these days, I hope after today, each one of you stop being harsh on yourself and others!

Be Kind, Be Empathetic, Be Grateful

The whole thing is a reminder of the fact, that, “Nothing is Permanent”

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