ProductivitypressureintimeofCOVID-19, Productivity, pressure, COVID-19, coronavirus, COVID, Pandemic

Productivity Pressure in time of COVID-19

Covid-19 looks like the ultimate test of productivity. Stories of cooking, dancing, singing and home workouts are trending on Instagram.

While I feel happy seeing people using this time to the best of their potential, it also scares me if we are moving in a zone of denial and delusion.

The denial of being in the middle of a pandemic, which is being deceived as an extended summer holiday.

While some of us are with our parents in this lockdown, others are still looking for a sense of normalcy.

We all may be sailing in the same sea, but we are not sailing in the same boat. Extended work hours, trying to give extra time to family, each one of us has a different story to tell.

Is productivity pressure creating a sense of guilt amongst people? Is the already stressful situation adding more stress to our lives? 

We all address to stress in different ways, and this is more war-like situation. Hence, it is on you, how you redefine productivity during COVID-19.

In a few months, The COVID-19 crisis will be contained but the impact will stay intact. There will be no back to normal lives, there will be a new normal!

While the stint of hogging yourself with online courses, and adding those extra lines in your CV is good, the only thing that is going to keep you safe is your mental sanity.

To do anything new, you need your energy in place. It’s okay if you are not doing good, talk to your friends and family about it.

Once your energy is in place, pick up tasks which you like and things will be set in motion.

Stop living in the bubble of denial and accept that things are changing and we are on a journey to new normal.

We will be creative, learning new things, and reading new books, but, not today maybe tomorrow and that’s okay!!

03 comments on “Productivity Pressure in time of COVID-19

  • Smruti Ghude , Direct link to comment

    Well pressure of posting online course and upskilling is one of the bigger pressure

  • Gopal Das , Direct link to comment

    Excellent and very much essential,”The only thing that is going to keep you safe is your mental sanity.”

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