It’s your life, not Goa ka plan!

“Execution eats strategy for breakfast”

Do you remember that Goa plan you made with your friends for this year, and the previous year, and the one you made centuries ago or the workout regime which you always wanted to start but didn’t? Or the video that you wanted to upload on youtube but never did? Have you spent days and nights creating 30-60-90 days plans or tried building SMART goals for yourself? If you say, NO, you would be lying.

As per the intellectual gurus of the world, the first step to a successful life is planning your goals. But these intellectual gurus fail to tell when to move to the next step. We spend so much time planning that the whole purpose of planning goes waste.

In this whole cycle, your inner self takes a laugh and the only goal you fulfil is of taking an afternoon nap.

You need to stop running after perfection and take action.

For the longest time I remember, I wanted to start my blog. Days passed and so did months, but I never started my blog, until 2 months back. It was like a now or never for me. I said this to myself, ” If you don’t do it now, the boat you want to catch will sail.” and that’s how “The World Word” came into existence.

Things I kept in mind when I started blogging were:

  • Take one day at a time: When I started blogging, I had only one topic in mind, I didn’t know what I will write next, but the determination to start and the attitude of I will figure out things as they will come, helped me.
  • Don’t be afraid of failure: Till the time you won’t fail, you won’t grow, so think your failure as your success. I have blog posts which have 100+ likes and some blog posts which have a maximum of 20 likes. This doesn’t stop me from writing, it helps me to find the loopholes and work harder.
  • Prioritize: My priority is to publish a blog every Saturday. I try to share a blog post on a day like today when I had a holiday, or on an occasion or if there is an awareness campaign, but all these are secondary. Setting priorities will make your life less stressful and will help you to manage things better.

We all know the story of the thirsty crow and the pitcher, now just imagine, what if the crow had put only his thoughts in how to raise the water level in the pitcher, he might have died, what helped him was his actions.

Life is full of uncertainty, any plan you tend to make is going to fail at one point of life or other, but will that point be A, B or C can be only determined once you put your plan in action.

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