You are Lucky If…….!!!

As I look back, the favourite part of my childhood (and adulthood) is the time I have spent with my Grandparents. I believe they play a very important role in a kids life and I feel blessed because I have both set of my Grandparents.

As I sit to write this blog, there is a flashback of memories. The stories from the time of the partition, to the stories of the time when my parents were growing up and stories of us growing up, hold a special place in my heart. Someone said it right, the real memories are the ones which touch your heart.

Today’s blog is dedicated to my Grandparents, to the love and care they have showered on me in all these years!

I will start with my Paternal Grandparents, my Dada and Dadi.

My Dada (Grandfather), or if I may say so, my Daddy (that’s what all his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren call him), is a 6 ft. tall man, who is master in chemistry and when I say so, I include his chemistry with my dadi (Grandmother) and his expertise in the subject Chemistry. Before he retired, he was a professor, and an advocate. This man, is a bookworm, and in last 25 years all I have seen him is reading, from dawn to dusk, he finds his solace in books, well I guess, it was in my genes, to be a book worm as well, and as I see my cousins, I know we all got this from him, we got the love for books, from him.

Dada ka Gyaan – Books are your best friends

My Dadi, A petite woman, but a woman class apart, nobody tells weird stories about my father better than her, and nobody scolds my Daddy like her. The way she describes each member of her family, the way she loves each one of us, the way she balanced her school and her kids, the way she remembers birthdays and anniversary dates of each one of us, just shows how family oriented she is. Nothing comes before family, and I guess all her kids have inherited this from her.

Dadi Ka Gyaan – Family comes first

Part 2- “Nanihal” – Nani ka ghar

My Nani (Grandmother) , what do I say about her, nobody loves me like she does. You know, I was 5 when I shifted to Chandigarh, it’s been 20 years now, and the taste of the Nimbu Pani she makes has not changed, the cake she makes is the same, the feel of the house, the warmth of that house stays the same. I believe her, when she says that I’m her favourite Grandchild, you know why? Because till date when I visit her, I need not tell her what I want to eat, the Baingan ki Sabzi is ready, the cake is already packed and she is at the door, to welcome me with a big smile and a warm hug. I have not seen anyone, love someone, unconditionally. I would rather call her my girlfriend, because she gets really angry if I don’t call her, or give her a call back on time and well, she is a super understanding girlfriend, because she never calls me in my office hours. She will always be my first love!!

Nani ka Gyaan – Love Unconditionally

My Nanu (Grandfather), he is a really smart, introvert guy, whose friend circle would include me and his two daughters! In today’s time, women would kill each other to be with him, he is shy, he hardly talks to anyone, he sings, he does everything my nani says, and he is a really hardworking, loving and caring man. What makes him stand out in my life, is my bond with him, we would talk for hours, gossiping, he gives me vibes like he is my buddy, which he is. I have seen him following the same routine for years now, he would wake up, wear his white kurta, go to temple, come back, fill the water bottles, eat breakfast, get ready, go outside for any pending work, eat lunch at sharp 2 PM, take afternoon nap, wake up, drink tea, go out for walk, come back, listen to news, eat and sleep. He has never stepped out to go to a mall, or any other place. I have seen this man, live a simple, yet a fully content life.

Nanu ka Gyaan – Simplicity is the best

Life teaches you lessons, but lessons taught by your grandparents are something which no one will ever tell you about. They are the pearls of our lives. Today, in the fast moving life of ours, most of us tend to forget them, they won’t say this to you, but they miss you. Take out time for them, make it a routine to call them, meet them, they don’t want much, but just a message from you will make them smile throughout the week.

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